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Imagine a workplace where within minutes of a stressful situation, you are enjoying a therapeutic, 10-minute whole body vibration session. Which not only reduces your stress hormone ¹cortisol, studies have also shown that regular use can:


Reduce back pain

Increase muscle strength

Improve balance in older adults

Assist in metabolizing fat

Reduce bone loss


At CJoy Wellness, we work closely with you and your staff to create a Workplace Wellness Space where you have control of your wellness & fitness journey. Whole body fitness & wellness in under 30 minutes, anytime your work & home schedule allows. 


With the use of carefully selected CJoy Wellness & Fitness tools, we assist you and your Human Resources team in creating a stress reducing, strength enhancing, mentally restoring area where your staff can begin to release and rebuild a healthier body & mind. Thus creating a more productive team. 


An employee who is less stressed is more efficient. 


Many studies suggest that psychologically demanding jobs that allow employees little control over the work process increase the risk of cardiovascular disease ².


No one wants their employees to be dealing with these job related stress symptoms!


Be part of the quickly growing Wellness revolution! Join the growing number of businesses who are implementing Workplace Wellness into their daily work flow. We will personalize a fitness/wellness area specific to your business’ needs & desires.


• For Massage: Whenever you want a massage, enjoy a Vibra-therapy session with proven health benefits within minutes’ time. Like having your own masseuse.


• For Therapy: Whole body vibration is proven physical therapy for many chronic conditions, including fibromyalgia, arthritis, osteoporosis, as well as various muscle and joint disorders.


• For Fitness: Although there is very little effort involved in a 10-minute session, standing (or sitting) on a whole body vibration machine has been shown to assist in the body’s fat metabolism and core muscle strengthening. So much so, that the NFL has been benefiting from its therapies since the early 2000’s.


"A 12-week study found that strength increases, from an average of 10 minutes of vibration training, were similar to those seen in an hour of regular resistance training." ³


¹ Hormonal Response of Whole Body Vibration in Men

² National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health - Stress at Work

³ Strength Increase after Whole-Body Vibration Compared with Resistance Training

Wellness @ Work

Echo H2 Machine at Work!
Lunch time 10min WBV session!
At CJoy Wellness we teach our clients ho
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